
Hitting your targets isn't just about figuring out what to measure and how to measure it.

A purposeful practice requires understanding and using your performance data to inform your practice, to build your performance culture and drive continuous improvement (without becoming unhinged from your purpose!).

Our training is designed for the government-funded helping sectors, so we speak your language. Each course can be customized and brought on-site to your agency or conference.

Here's what they say...

“Sarah has been an invaluable resource to our organization for over twenty years, providing a unique approach, support and direction. She has an incredible gift for making the complex appear simple without being simplistic. Sarah is a pleasure to work with and always delivers to an exceptionally high standard. She consults impeccably to understand organizational needs and then brings innovative and relevant ideas and solutions to the table. She immerses herself into our ways of working and provides solutions that meet our immediate needs and our organization’s long-term goals. Sarah will challenge your thinking, provide you with alternative perspectives and, where appropriate, actively coach, mentor, and advise you to generate and co-create solutions. She is an excellent facilitator who manages multiple perspectives, and effortlessly guides a team to consensus.”

“Sarah is an exceptional trainer. She delivered an evidence-based online training explaining key reports essential to Literacy and Basic Skills outcomes. Sarah’s in-depth understanding and analysis of the sector, reports and their connections to service delivery, coupled with her very charismatic and personable delivery, gave practitioners the knowledge and skills to be able to interpret, pivot and succeed. I highly recommend any LBS practitioner take this training – even with extensive careers in the field, there’s always information that Sarah sheds new light on. ”

“Sarah is an engaging, energetic and highly professional trainer, consultant, and keynote speaker. The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) has worked with Sarah on multiple projects, and brought her in to present at our annual conference on several occasions. She does not disappoint. Sarah’s knowledge of the policies, practices, and service delivery in the disability sector builds the capacity of everyone she interacts with. I strongly encourage any organization interested in capacity building, service quality improvements, or consulting to work with Sarah.”


  • Training

    Our goal is to deliver compelling information and training both onsite and online. We recognize that complex organizations require a wide range of training, so we have joined forces with expert instructors to bring you a wider range of courses designed to support you in every aspect of your business.

    See below for our delivery methods.

  • Consulting

    Massive deficits, service streamlining, ‘one-stop’, demand for outcomes, accountability, and transparency, down-sizing, right-sizing, ‘efficiencies’, innovation, ‘more with less’… It could be argued that there has never been a more competitive time for your program dollars. What is your plan?

    Sarah Delicate brings a holistic approach to Outcome-Based Performance Measurement (PM). It’s not as simple as figuring out what to measure and how to measure it. While this is foundational, your data is useless if it does not inform a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Speaking

    If you are looking for a keynote at your next conference you can be assured that Sarah will leave everyone energized and eager to improve. Sarah speaks your language, uses relevant stories and exercises, challenges everyone to think differently, and offers tools and techniques that can be practiced immediately.

    Based on your time frame, sector, and audience size, Sarah will customize your keynote, focusing on the most relevant materials to meet your learning needs.

Delivery Methods

Choose from several delivery options to learn on your time, at your pace, and wherever you choose.

  • Private

    Sarah Delicate can bring her training to you onsite. Targeted to your needs, your staff, your performance and your objectives, a day or two spent with Sarah can move you to improvements quickly.

  • Webinars

    Sarah Delicate's live webinar training is a great addition to your learning and development. From the comfort of your desk, build your capacity in real-time while interacting with experts and peers.

  • On Demand

    On Demand training is pre-recorded, making it instantly available when you need it most. Sarah is readily available to answer any questions you may have to help deepen your learning.

Meet Sarah

As a founding partner of Bell Brown Molnar and Delicate Inc. (BBMD), a consulting firm based in Ottawa Canada, Sarah Delicate works as a consultant, coach, trainer and speaker. Sarah has worked with 1000s of people across 100s of organizations, helping programs thrive in tough, outcome-based competitive environments. Whether you are Government or a nonprofit, Sarah’s high energy delivery style will convince you that this outcome-based stuff is not just doable, but critical.

Sarah Delicate

18 Essential Employment Counselling Trainings

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